Saturday, May 3, 2008

I technically missed a day.

So sue me. In a few hours, I will get up at seven, eat oatmeal, take a final (which will be hard as balls), and get my shit together to head to Bamboozle. I've been waiting forever for this event, but I'm not even super duper excited about the bands.
I want to see people.

And fuck, I want to stay dry. I'm hoping for clouds so I don't turn purple from sunburn, and no rain so I don't end up driving a car full of people that smell like wet dogs. Either way it will be fun - I want to pick up some new shirts and hopefully some sampler CDs with new music. I live for samplers.

I studied from 2 until 11 today. I'm actually starting to enjoy directional derivatives and lagrange multipliers, so I need to get the fuck away from text books. If I don't ace this thing tomorrow, I'm going to take yoga until I can kick myself in the face, and then do so.

Wish me luck.

I want everything to mean something.

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