Thursday, May 22, 2008

Careful, now...

There's certain people and things in my life that mean more than it would be logical to word.

I get super frustrated when I can't accurately communicate how I feel, or when I realize that my message may not even come across as I intended it.

Love is a funny thing. I have love for many people. I could tell all but a few of those people that I love them. The others fall into two groups, one group containing just one person. The first group would take my words in the wrong way, so I hold my tongue.

It's that last person I want to tell the most,

It's almost as if I'm holding a beautiful object which I'm deeply entwined with.
It's extremely strong, but for some reason it appears extremely fragile to me.
I safeguard it as if it were made of the thinnest and finest crystal one could create.
It causes me to worry way too much.

Word choice is an important performance.
When you screw up, everyone sees.

It's interesting that this is the most fatiguing part for me.
My friends argue with and exhaust the ones they love.
I can't get enough of her to even feel this way,
And wish I could say it.

You'll probably read this.

1 comment:

so much more said...

As you already know, love is far more than telling someone "I Love You"

She knows:)