Wednesday, May 7, 2008


What does it really mean to dedicate something to someone? What's the significance of writing or creating something for someone else? It's why I'm a musician.

I find myself losing my grasp of our fine language whenever someone I really care about is the other half of my conversation. For whatever reason, I turn into a big mush of sentimental thoughts and pour Quikrete over my vocal chords. As a result, I get quiet while trying to force myself to be honest and not spaz out like I usually do.

Because I am a wuss. I am a huge wimp and, ironically enough, I can choke up while talking to one person. If there's a crowd of 300 people, that's fine, but anyone I care about can strip me of my defenses.

Consequently, I write songs which are not super deep, but are a completely accurate retelling of "what I meant to say when I stuttered, shut up, and smiled instead".

I'm going to write something new right now. Listen to PARK if you never have.

Everything is going to be okay.

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