Saturday, May 10, 2008

Catch Me (sorry for the rant)

So we played School of Rock the other night, and I was totally disappointed by the entire experience. Granted, my hopes were extremely high but a laundry list of shit went wrong. The promoter was a douche bag and hassled us all night. Our crowd was too late for us to sell them tickets, so on paper it looked like we brought almost nobody. It was the sound guy's first day and we were the first band. That's asking to get fucked over right there. After our set the promoter started moving our shit and hit me in the back of the head with my brother's drums. Lastly, everybody bailed and left me and two other people till the end of the show. Shitttty.

This is my last night in Hoboken, and I'm not comfortable with that. I should be excited to head back home, but I'm super far from it. I'll be closer to certain people who I miss and have missed extremely, and even farther from someone who lives a good distance from me. It also puts me pretty damn close to the only people in the world that I cannot stand.

I want to write and record and squeeze my thoughts into plastic discs to toss at people, because I'm tired of explaining the same damn thing to so many people.

Last thought - I'm going back to a job where 90% of people don't give a damn about anyone else, and my boss is already pissed at me for touring before I've even started.

The more that I stay
The more that I feel at home
It's like the closer that I get
The more that I feel alone
The place I grew up
Belongs to somebody else
This room I've come to love
Is where the safest I've felt

I still believe
Everything is going to be okay.

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