Friday, June 27, 2008

What I can't do

-Stop an atom bomb from blowing up.
-Stop world hunger
-Start world peace
-Change the weather
-Kill weathermen when they're wrong


What I can do is be a small force in the lives of people I love. The important part is to be completely aware of just how big you really are - that way you know how to exert yourself to your fullest extent without suffering on your part. I can't change the world by myself - nobody can. I'm a voice when someone asks for advice, a set of arms when someone needs a hug, a volunteer when someone needs help.

I want to be there for everyone in my life. I only need to adequately gauge my footprint to see how big I actually am. Then I can start helping out.

Everything is going to be okay.

1 comment:

Blue said...

I like to think that the moment we set a limit to ourselves is the day we stop being able to do anything. All humans do it, whether they admit it or not, we subconsciously say "I can't do that" but if we found a way to not think that, we could do anything.