Wednesday, June 18, 2008

There is always a silver lining

In the gravest of situations, it's not impossible to see a glimmer of hope - especially if it's what you're looking for.

I decided I worry way too much about the bad things going on. This hits me every once in a while, and then I hit that realization that everything is pretty good overall. It affects my mood, and leaves me with a smile too well set to be removed from my face.

I'm done letting some people make me upset - a few are just fuck-ups, and for that you have to embrace them even more. I smiled at the two people I like the least over the last few days. They hate to see me doing well, since they don't like me much either, and I could not give a damn.

I want to be more like a tree in the wind and less like a boxer. I want to let blows glance off of me and I'd like to divert their energy in another direction, instead of striking back. Not just striking back, but striking with the purpose of defeating the striker.

I've played the boxer a few times, and it just fuels the fire. I can't wait to see how these people react when I refuse to push back. I feel like it might make at least one of them even more upset, which is more than a bit humorous to me.

Last thought,
I hope that I don't sound like I'm full of hot air and bullshit in here.
It's my train of thought spilling out over my keyboard, written the best way I know how.

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