Friday, June 13, 2008

Saving a life

I came around the corner, and there he was.
Just fucking standing in the road.
I swerved slightly and narrowly missed him.
It was that raccoon's lucky day.

Things are good...
This week the CD got done.
I get to see the girl twice.
I got to see Deathcab for Cutie tonight.
I got to Philly and back on 30 bucks worth of gas.
I cut a total of 18 minutes off my estimated GPS arrival time.
I didn't get pulled over tonight.
I got a haircut and it feels crazy short.

Things that aren't so good...
I ate both Taco Bell and Qdoba today. (Urmph.)
One of my favorite shirts has bleach spots.

Considering the lists, I'd say I'm on top of things. I already got tired of the new CD and during the deathcab show I was preoccupied with figuring out the delay between seeing and hearing the music and musicians (sound moves at 343 m/s, light moves at 3.0x10^8 m/s) and thinking of new rhythms and quips for the next song I write.

For once, I feel large in the context of things occurring in my life. Usually I'm suffering from mild to moderate "Ant Syndrome", where my size in the universe is painfully apparent. Tonight, I couldn't give a shit about the universe. My matchstick-sized world (relatively speaking) is full of wonderful people and occurrences, and I am aware of the conscious contributions I make towards their lives and happenings. It could be like spotting somebody a dollar, or producing a song, or talking to this fucking annoying kid who keeps calling me. I can pick something out for everyone.

I feel like playing rampage. I'd be the big ass lizard guy who stomps on everything because he can. I would then rebuild it and repeat the process.

Things to do...
-Become a 30 ft tall lizard.
-Destroy San Antonio.
-Rebuild San Antonio.
-Figure out why I picked San Antonio in the first place.

I love making eye contact with strangers until they look away. It's really hard to keep your gaze, but extremely rewarding. The average person can't last more than three seconds in a stare.

1 comment:

john n0ob said...

well the big ass lizard was a girl.... Liz. You should go with the ape, George or the big wolf, Ralph.