Monday, September 29, 2008

Holy Shit Crap.

Allow me to be vulgar.

I'm freezing my ears off right now - I might get earmuffs for this winter. Seasonally retarded as I am, I chopped about 7 inches of hair off my head on Saturday. I fucking love it. I put it up in a fauxhawk and it totally looks like shark hair. It's totally a tuff guy haircut, which makes me get an even bigger kick out of it.

I've had long hair for like 4 years, and the last time I changed it (i.e. the growing out of my hairz) I did so for a change of pace. This time it's just to throw me off, along with everyone I know. The record so far for someone not recognizing me is like 20 seconds.

I'm listening back to older Title stuff - I did a written interview for someone tonight and it asked about band roots and such.
What's totally bizzare? Stuff from Making a Scene is FAR from the most current material we have. In fact, I'm already writing the next EP (due out in like March).

I have music explosions, and then I can't keep in the new stuff. Tis exciting regardless. I sense more breakdowns coming.

1 comment:

frubafreak17 said...

pretty exciting.
as far as the crazy music mood changes, its just giving everyone something new to look forward to. There's only so much to one thing you can do.
can't wait :D