Monday, September 29, 2008


Holy Shit Crap.

Allow me to be vulgar.

I'm freezing my ears off right now - I might get earmuffs for this winter. Seasonally retarded as I am, I chopped about 7 inches of hair off my head on Saturday. I fucking love it. I put it up in a fauxhawk and it totally looks like shark hair. It's totally a tuff guy haircut, which makes me get an even bigger kick out of it.

I've had long hair for like 4 years, and the last time I changed it (i.e. the growing out of my hairz) I did so for a change of pace. This time it's just to throw me off, along with everyone I know. The record so far for someone not recognizing me is like 20 seconds.

I'm listening back to older Title stuff - I did a written interview for someone tonight and it asked about band roots and such.
What's totally bizzare? Stuff from Making a Scene is FAR from the most current material we have. In fact, I'm already writing the next EP (due out in like March).

I have music explosions, and then I can't keep in the new stuff. Tis exciting regardless. I sense more breakdowns coming.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You can see deeper into me than even I can.
All of your love is all that I need.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I feel... though I actually have a higher capacity for love than I used to. It's as if I walked the same way each day for as long as I could remember, and suddenly I found a much more scenic and gratifying route to the same end.
I love doing things for the one I love, I love being with the one I love, I love everything about the person.

I'm a big sap.
That's a side effect haha.

...and sometimes we coincide.

Friday, September 12, 2008


So I decided to release the new songs and the Plectronics remake together as "The Progression EP". It comes out Oct. 1 on CD, and Oct. 19 on iTunes. I feel like it's just awesome in comparison to the "Title EP", and it shows how far I've come with mixing and recording and so on.

It's a collection of my favorites. I love every song on it, and am extremely happy with the final product. It's got the biggest mix too - some "go fuck yourself" material, a love song, and some ultimatum-esque tunes.

This is the fourth album available on itunes. I checked out my iTunes library, and I have 31 different tracks of title including remakes and bsides which we never released. It's like my job - I love what I do too haha.

Every song is going to hit at least one person, hard. That's how I wanted it. Hopefully everyone gets it.

...and sometimes, we coincide.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


It's way too easy to cause an uproar. Everyone's favorite songs are the "fuck you" ones. I write for me, and occasionally one other person. If I'm proud of it, I'll show it to people.

Subject matter is over and done with. I could give a shit about the majority of the song - it had been done as an acoustic track for well over six months. I didn't tell anybody it was about ANYONE. I merely dedicated it to someone close to me, figuring it would help.

As for the bridge,
He stepped out of line.
I'm just rebalancing the scale.
This is getting ugly.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I love you.

I love you.
You're my very best friend, no matter what anyone says, and nothing you do, and no choice you could make, will change that.

I love you.
I'll be home soon. I know you all miss me, but I'm far from gone.

I love you.
Everything is going to be okay. I need you in my life just like you need me. Tomorrow will make a world's difference for you. It will be harder to leave, but we will survive.

I really mean it.
Don't worry - everything really is going to be okay,
Even if it's a little hard right now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


An hour might as well be a year if you can't be with someone who needs it, especially if you want nothing more than to be there. It more than seems like a year - the need makes it either a there or not sort of thing. Yes or no, on or off.
I miss you.

...and sometimes, we coincide.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I suck

At keeping up on this thing lately. Five big steps forward for cleanliness and I can breathe easier in this house, then someone leaves hair all over the damn sink.

These are my micro-problems as of late.

I found that when people can't influence an entire entity or situation, they break it down into little pieces, and claim one piece to watch over. I couldn't clean the whole house, so I decided to clean my room. I couldn't clean my whole room, so I've claimed my desk and bed as sacred holds against filth and negligence. If there's crap on here, it damn well better be mine.

If you take complete control over anything, you limit the amount of actions which can occur without your direct input. The hard part is finding a balance so that you don't remove the possibility of worthwhile contributions by other parties.

The Title is recording full band. I technically still hold creative control, but I don't want to squash anyone. I'm really, really, really anxious to hear it.

More thoughts.
I wrote off a person or two for my writing, and have tried to keep everything on a different page. My patience is being tried. It's almost worth coming out with, but I'd rather not give the pleasure.

Reworking an old song.
Hopefully it'll be done soon.

...and sometimes, we coincide.