Thursday, December 4, 2008

This thing is in need of an update.

I spend days and days and days in love. And I think about only a few things these days. How I want to survive this semester (almost done), how I always want to be with her, and The Title. New songs are pouring out lately, one done last week and another most likely this week, and plenty of ideas inside my head.

I'm making a vocal booth in my room for future recording, this excites me greatly.

The next batch of songs is slowly coming to the surface, and all I've heard are good things from everyone - it's a bit more real sounding, like traditional title but with room for guitars and bass and actual drums (which is how I made all the drums sound in the new tunes).

I worry way too much about how it's going to come out - everyone loves the stuff, as far as I can tell, but I'm always worried lately that the new stuff won't be as well received. Granted I'm pushing us in a much more accessible direction (namely a less severe electronic feel versus pop rock), it's so different for me and all of our fans, that any reaction will be a surprise to me.

I live in love, and would like that written on my body somewhere. That's my latest thought.
I want my entire arm to be bird shaped windows with a night sky behind them, and live in love tattooed somewhere on my body - perhaps on my right side, written along the arms of my first tattoo.

Hope this gets read.
Hope we don't get signed and have to run away.
Hope everyone likes the new stuff.
Hope my roommate will stop snoring.

Oh yeah,
And i bought a skateboard.

Live in love.


frubafreak17 said...

Live in Love.
A line so many are pushing to the side.... it's sad really.
I devote my life to finding love, and not some false words.

I was a little iffy at first with the new songs, but listened all the way through, and fell in love with them, for real.

Only the real fans will know or understand that things change... and we couldn't expect the same old sound out of you guys. You have to expand as you see fit, and see what happens.

and so far, it keeps getting better and better :)

And I'm sure this'll get read by many. You touch many lives.

Take care,
~KaT ^_^

jill the thrill said...

everyone will love the new title stuff :)