Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My life in bins and boxes.
I don't know where my sox is.

It doesn't really rhyme, but I'm cool with that.
I move back tomorrow and my mind is blown that summer is over. I never stopped moving, for 4 straight months. Time to kick back and relax.
Oh wait, nope I have really hard school coming up.

I can't wait anyway.
See you tomorrow, Stevens!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I designed a hoodie.

The "Altitude Hoodie" is up for sale in our webstore. I did it from scratch using illustrator, just to learn the program. I'm pretty happy with how it came out.
You can order one by clicking here if you'd like.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I woke up two hours away from here.
We slept together with our hearts in between us.
We held tight to one another to protect them and keep them warm.
I just wanted you to know mine stays when I go home.
I fell asleep two hours from you.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I went back and redid the very first Title song today. I tore the track to pieces, and rebuilt it from the ground up. I did it the right way, the way I didn't know how a year ago. Sept 16 will be the one year anniversary of The Title, and I felt like the song was deserving of a second time around.

I put 10 hours into the track after it was first done, to get it ready for the EP. I put 10 more hours into it today, and it's beautiful. New instruments, drums, mixing, vocals, sequencing, fucking everything. It's shiny and new.

We took the impersonality out of our myspace. We no longer automatically approve people adding us, and we comment back everyone we can. We went from 930 plays last night to 3200+ tonight. I think I know what we were missing.

I sent our stuff to a whole bunch of my closest friends today, in efforts to get it out there further.

We're approaching our anniversary. I want The Title to have a 1year to remember.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hardcore kids

Don't like us.
I still love TKTK for inviting us BUT...
Tonight was a really really weird show for us - it was ALL hardcore bands except for us, and we were not very well received, except by people who knew us or our tunes already.
We did play burn it down though, which was really fun.

Tonight I was surrounded by people I used to know.
I exchanged pleasantries while noting how fucked up it felt.
I love 1/10 of you guys.

My line tonight
"Thanks so much for watching!
If you don't like us,
...fuck you. We're playing anyway."

Friday, August 8, 2008

New song done!

It's called Fix This, and it's not about anyone or anything in particular. Just a general "no thanks". Last night I drank water bottles at a little party and had insults thrown at me for my attire and my music. I responded quickly and a fight almost ensued. The cool thing is, there were a bunch more people who like me and my music than the one kid who didn't, so they pushed him out of the room and made him leave.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


I suck bad at staying on top of this thing. I've not spent more than 4 days in one place since I got back from tour. It was almost like we never got home, and I was cool with that. If I could bring a handful of people with me I would totally stay out for now.

This is coming from someone who spent less than two weeks out there, but everyone who went agrees that life on the road is really fucking hard, but really fucking fun. It's like the ideal lifestyle for what I want to do, and coming back to the real world is hard after that. You're more likely to watch what you say and do (not that I was out of my mind on tour, mind you), since you see the people here all the time. You're less likely to try new and exciting things, because it's just another day here.

I'm sitting thinking about everything that's happened since I wrote my last one of these, on my brother and sisters' birthday. I spent 3 days with the girl I love right after 5 with my family, and it made for one of the best 8 day stretches of time in recent memory.

I'm also planning our next tour already. Will we go north, south, or west this winter? We're pretty covered with friends and family a few hours' reach in each direction. [This would be a good time for random readers to suggest a direction].

Tie me to a compass and spin me around. I'll walk it.

I'm listening to the music for the next title song. It's all done, and I fucking love it. I want to show everyone, but not until like JANUARY! It's almost like a dirty secret that will get out and everywhere if I let it go. Burn it Down is already in the hands of literally 100+ people I used to go to school with.

There's no fucking surprises anymore.
I love life.